
Showing posts from January, 2010

My 70-541 Study Guide

Late in 2009 I passed the WSS 3.0 Application Development exam, otherwise known as 70-541 . I think it's safe to say the whole Microsoft certification process is a bit odd. That may be a more general subject for another post. In any case, I ended up with a high score, so I must have done something right. A couple of people have asked me for information so I thought I'd post it here. You may not want to go to these ridiculous lengths, but here's what I did to study for it: I read the Ted Pattison book "Inside Windows SharePoint Services 3.0" cover to cover, twice. I looked at the "Skills Measured" list and did a lot of Googling. Eventually I realized MSDN and TechNet were the source from which most all of those "skills measured" items were derived and I focused my reading there. There are a number of practice tests out there, of varying quality. Buyer beware. In the course of all this studying, out of frustration that there's no good so...

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This is the first post of a blog about SharePoint, jQuery, ASP.NET, C#, and other related technologies.