npm outdated + npm update is your friend
In the last year or two I've been getting my head around the whole world of front-end web development with AngularJS and its associated infrastructure ( nodejs , npm , bower , gulp , etc). A lot of that has to do with the fact that with my current client, I've been working on projects that use all that technology (where they have Microsoft's ASP.NET WebApi on the back-end, and all this other stuff on the front-end). It seems to me a lot of .Net developers shy away from really learning all that stuff, or they just learn what they need to know to get the job done, but I think all this stuff is pretty cool and I've been trying to learn it all on a slightly deeper level. So when you get into the whole npm thing you quickly learn that development tools, libraries, packages, plug-ins etc. that are required by your project are stored in a file called package.json . And that the versions of those packages are managed with symbols using a syntax called semver...